Teaching Philosophy
A researcher is a life-long learner. I am enthusiastic about acquiring and creating new knowledge and I intend to share these new insights through pedagogy. As a behavioral scientist studying predictors of and interventions for challenging adolescent behavior, I am committed to extending the impact of scholarly work through engaging students meaningfully in coursework. Students are a critical audience because their insights will advance behavioral science. I believe higher education should be a conduit for delivering concepts and skills by equipping students with critical thinking skills to navigate their education and career trajectory with agency. My teaching philosophy combines a zeal for research, communicating science, and propelling students to pursue inquiry in the behavioral sciences. My teaching approach involves (a) providing equitable learning environments, (b) creating transformational learning experiences, and (c) incorporating best teaching practices.
Applied Teaching Experience
My previous teaching experiences have primarily involved supervising master’s students pursuing board certification as behavior analysts. In this role, I trained graduate clinicians as they provided behavioral services to residents of a juvenile residential treatment facility who displayed severe challenging behavior. I prioritize three areas with students: (a) competency in practical skills, (b) acquisition of conceptual knowledge, and (c) cultivating intellectual humility. To scaffold practical skills, I provide instruction and model or roleplay the skill prior to student implementation. This multifaceted approach allows students to learn skills across multiple opportunities and modalities, producing competence and confidence in skills. I facilitate acquisition of conceptual knowledge by creating an equitable learning environment wherein students are welcome to question my decision-making processes. This practice often prompts meaningful discussion about clinical programming. As a result, advanced students then felt comfortable when I reflected their questions back to them as they became more independent in case management.
Importantly, collaborative care inherently involves interacting with people from different disciplines, backgrounds, and walks of life. To appropriately prioritize client success in such an environment, intellectual humility – valuing different perspectives and conceptual frameworks while acknowledging the limits of our own – is necessary. I attempt to model this for students by actively listening to other professionals and respecting their different opinions. I carry these same values into the classroom when teaching in a didactic environment.
Didactic Teaching Experience
Traditional classroom environments challenge educators to be intentional in their design and delivery of curriculum. In my pedagogical practice, I focus on designing curriculum that values diversity of perspectives and allows students to interact with each other and course content in meaningful ways. Notably, much of the scientific material currently used in course instruction was developed and influenced by a small subset of privileged individuals. Subsequently, these course materials may portray a limited perspective which includes biases. I aim to create an environment wherein students are challenged to think critically about course material, by emphasizing careful evaluation and interpretation. To accomplish this, I facilitate open dialogue among students and intentionally present or solicit contrasting perspectives.
My goal as a professor is to contribute to the development of scientist-practitioners who are capable of delivering behavior analytic services to underserved populations. I aim to do this by creating inclusive environments and engaging students meaningfully in course material. In doing so, I hope to cultivate agency among students as they navigate their educational careers.